AWS Budgets vs Cost Explorer: A Comparative Analysis


AWS Budgets vs Cost Explorer - As more companies shift to the cloud, effective cloud expense management is critical to saving costs while maintaining high performance. AWS provides robust tools to help track and manage cloud spending. Two of the most widely used tools are AWS Budgets and Cost Explorer. But what sets them apart, and when should you use each one?

This comprehensive guide compares AWS Budgets vs Cost Explorer, including primary features, use cases, integration capabilities, and more.

AWS Budgets:

Users can manage their expenses effectively with AWS Budgets. It lets you create customized budgets to keep track of your spending. Fundamental features of AWS Budgets include:

1. Budget Planning:

Set budget limits and spend alerts at granular levels (service, account, tag, etc.). Get notifications via email, chatbots, or event bridges.

2. Automated Budget Actions:

Define actions like EC2 instance shutdowns or service limits when reaching budget thresholds.

3. Budget Forecasting:

It forecasts usage and spending for the next three months based on previous trends.

4. Visualization:

Charts and graphs provide expense tracking against the budget in the console.

5. API Access:

Use APIs to integrate budget data with third-party or homegrown applications.

In short, AWS Budgets simplifies budget management through automation, controls, and integration capabilities. It's ideal for centralized compliance and top-down budget allocation.

AWS Cost Explorer:

Cost Explorer allows granular analysis and visualization of historical costs through interactive graphs and tables. Users can query, filter, drill down, and discover cost patterns to identify opportunities for AWS cost optimization.

Its essential aspects include:

1. Cost and Usage Reports:

These reports provide a comprehensive outline of resource use and associated charges.

2. Customizable Analysis:

Group, filter, and segment data (e.g., service, tag, account) to isolate spend.

3. Visualization:

Charts, graphs, and tables illustrate patterns, trends, and anomalies in usage over time.

4. Forecasts:

It predicts future costs through ML algorithms factoring in previous monthly expenses.

5. Rightsizing Recommendations:

It identifies provisioned resources that match workload needs to reduce waste.

In short, Cost Explorer enables bottom-up analysis for understanding cost drivers and right-sizing recommendations to reduce waste. The graphical views make spend tracking insightful.

AWS Budgets vs Cost Explorer:

While both AWS services aim to provide visibility and control over cloud costs, their approaches and ideal use cases differ:


AWS Budgets  

Cost Explorer   


Budget Planning & Tracking  

Cost Analysis, Visualization & Forecasting





Accounts, Services, Tags, etc.

Granular (To Resource Level)

Alert Mechanisms   

Event Bridges, Chatbots, Email 


Automation Capabilities

Yes (Instance Shut Downs, Spend Limits)


Data Latency


Detailed But With Slight Delay  

Learning Curve 



The main difference is that AWS Budgets uses a governance-driven methodology to enable high-level planning, while Cost Explorer provides more in-depth analysis to comprehend AND optimize spend.

Using Them Together:

AWS recommends using Budgets and Cost Explorer to control automation AND insights. Here's a simple framework:

  • Set budgets top-down in Budgets aligned to business plans.
  • Track expenses daily against budgets through alerts. 
  • Use Budgets to initiate automated actions when limits are exceeded.
  • Use Cost Explorer to analyze any overspending at a granular level.
  • Right-size or modify budgets based on insights.

This enables you to govern spending while having the flexibility to course correct based on usage patterns. The combined strengths drive better cost efficiency.

Best Practices for Cloud Budgeting: 

Follow these practices to maximize value from AWS Budgets vs Cost Explorer:

  • Categorize resources using tags.
  • Don't start too big – narrow the initial scope to a single service.
  • Analyze anomaly spikes in Cost Explorer.
  • Set buffer boundary slightly below budget maximums.
  • Actively monitor Budgets notifications to realign if required.
  • Use both daily and monthly Budgets for layered control.
  • Use Cost Explorer RI recommendations to prepurchase discounts.
  • Combine Budgets API with data lakes/analytics tools for custom reporting.

Continually optimizing budgets based on data and automation will control expenses while allowing innovation.

Case Studies:

Leading enterprises have used AWS cost management tools with superior outcomes: 

  1. Digital media platform Hulu uses Budgets to manage over $1M daily AWS spending with notifications routing to FinOps teams for real-time alignment.
  2. Weather forecasting company DTN unified 100+ accounts with Custom Cost Allocation Tags. This reduced manual effort by 5000+ hours while gaining enterprise-wide visibility.
  3. Fintech startup Robinhood uses Budgets API to build custom budget dashboards and integrate them with internal tools like DataDog, Kafka, and Slack.

These examples show how AWS cost management services can improve operational effectiveness and promote material cost optimization.

Competitor Analysis:

AWS Budgets vs Cost Explorer set the standard for cloud cost governance and insights. Competing services have gaps: 

  1. Microsoft Azure lacks visibility, forecasting, automation, and API access to AWS services.
  2. Google Cloud Billing needs more visualization, customization of reports, and budget alerts.
  3. IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management does not provide automation mechanisms or rightsizing support available from AWS.

AWS uses experience managing millions of customers to build cost management tools unmatched in depth and capabilities.


1. How do AWS Budgets and Cost Explorer differ from one another?

AWS Budgets focuses on budget planning and top-down control, whereas Cost Explorer offers detailed cost analysis and bottom-up insights.

2. How can businesses effectively use Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets?

Businesses can set budgets aligned with plans using Budgets and analyze spending patterns and optimization opportunities using Cost Explorer.

3. What are some best practices for optimizing cloud spending with Budgets and Cost Explorer?

Best practices include categorizing resources, starting with a narrow scope, actively monitoring notifications, and using recommendations from Cost Explorer.

Final Words:

As increasing business goes digital, cloud costs can spiral without active management. AWS Budgets vs Cost Explorer gives finance teams powerful levers to track, control, and optimize cloud expenditure. Using them strategically alleviates budget overruns.

This guide covered the core differences, use cases, integration approaches, and success factors to apply these services for robust cost governance. Monitoring cloud spending will grow more critical, and AWS has compelling tools to tame the turbulence.

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